File Format specific Options

De TriLib
Revisão de 08h53min de 18 de maio de 2024 por Trilib (discussão | contribs)
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Some file formats TriLib accepts have unique options you can set with static reader properties:


TriLibCore.Fbx.Reader.FbxReader.PivotMode: Change field to define how TriLib will handle FBX object pivots. The "legacy" (default) option don't use pivots.

TriLibCore.Fbx.Reader.FbxReader.FBXConversionPrecision: Floating point data on FBX files is stored as 16-bits (double) precision. You can define a multiplier on this static field applied to all FBX floating-point data when loading the model.

TriLibCore.Fbx.Reader.FbxReader.ApplyAmbientColor: Turn on this field to apply ambient color to Phong materials.


TriLibCore.Gltf.Reader.GltfReader.DracoDecompressorCallback: You can pass a custom callback to decompress Draco meshes using this static field. If you turn on Draco Decompression on the Project Settings->TriLib area, TriLib will automatically set this field value to use a built-in Draco decoder.

TriLibCore.Gltf.Reader.GltfReader.SpotLightDistance: glTF2 lights using KHR_lights_punctual don't have a configurable distance. Change this value to set the default punctual lights distance.


TriLibCore.Stl.Reader.StlReader.FixInfacingNormals: Some STL files may contain normals facing the opposite direction. If you turn on this static field, TriLib will re-align the model normals when loading.

TriLibCore.Stl.Reader.StlReader.ImportNormals: Turn on this field to enable STL normal importing.

TriLibCore.Stl.Reader.StlReader.LoadWithYUp:Turn on this field to load your model with the Z axis pointing up.

TriLibCore.Stl.Reader.StlReader.StoreTriangleIndexInTexCoord0: Turn off this field to stop storing the index of the triangle in the X component of the mesh texture coordinates.


TriLibCore.Ply.Reader.PlyReader.PlyConversionPrecision: Experimental: Any value passed here will be multiplied with any "double precision" data when converting them to floats.


TriLibCore.Obj.Reader.ObjReader.ParseNumbersAsDouble: Turn on this field to parse OBJ file number data as doubles and improve precision.

TriLibCore.Obj.Reader.ObjReader.ObjConversionPrecision: Experimental: Any value passed here will be multiplied with any "double precision" data when converting them to floats.

TriLibCore.Obj.Reader.ObjReader.ParseVertexColors: Turn off this field to disable OBJ vertex color reading.