Class AssetDownloader
Provides functionality for downloading 3D model data from a specified URI and loading it into Unity. This class supports various HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD) and offers optional asynchronous behavior. The downloaded model can be placed within a specified UnityEngine.GameObject hierarchy, and can handle .zip archives if requested.
Inherited Members
Namespace: TriLibCore
Assembly: Assembly-CSharp.dll
public class AssetDownloader
CreateWebRequest(string, HttpRequestMethod, string, int)
Creates a new UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest based on the specified parameters, allowing you to configure the request method, data, and timeout. The returned request can be used to download or upload data via HTTP.
public static UnityWebRequest CreateWebRequest(string uri, AssetDownloader.HttpRequestMethod httpRequestMethod = HttpRequestMethod.Get, string data = null, int timeout = 2000)
Type | Name | Description |
string | uri | The URI (URL) to which the request is sent. |
AssetDownloader.HttpRequestMethod | httpRequestMethod | The HTTP method to use (e.g., Get, Post, etc.). Defaults to Get. |
string | data | Optional data or parameters to include in the request. For example, in a GET request, this data will be appended as query parameters. |
int | timeout | The request timeout in seconds. Defaults to 2000 seconds. |
Type | Description |
UnityWebRequest | A configured UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest instance with the specified method, data, and timeout settings. |
LoadModelFromUri(UnityWebRequest, Action<AssetLoaderContext>, Action<AssetLoaderContext>, Action<AssetLoaderContext, float>, Action<IContextualizedError>, GameObject, AssetLoaderOptions, object, string, bool?, bool)
Initiates an asynchronous download of 3D model data from the specified UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest, then loads the model (optionally including .zip extraction). The method returns a UnityEngine.Coroutine which you can yield on or allow to run in the background. Once the model is downloaded, TriLib’s AssetLoader will process the data and create corresponding UnityEngine.GameObjects, materials, and other resources.
public static Coroutine LoadModelFromUri(UnityWebRequest unityWebRequest, Action<AssetLoaderContext> onLoad, Action<AssetLoaderContext> onMaterialsLoad, Action<AssetLoaderContext, float> onProgress, Action<IContextualizedError> onError = null, GameObject wrapperGameObject = null, AssetLoaderOptions assetLoaderOptions = null, object customContextData = null, string fileExtension = null, bool? isZipFile = null, bool haltTask = false)
Type | Name | Description |
UnityWebRequest | unityWebRequest | The configured UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest to download the model. You can create this request using CreateWebRequest(string, HttpRequestMethod, string, int) or provide a custom request. |
Action<AssetLoaderContext> | onLoad | A callback invoked on the main Unity thread once the model data has been read, but before materials are fully loaded. This is useful for performing actions immediately after the base model structure is available. |
Action<AssetLoaderContext> | onMaterialsLoad | A callback invoked on the main Unity thread once all resources (textures, shaders, etc.) have been loaded. This indicates the final stage of model loading. |
Action<AssetLoaderContext, float> | onProgress | A callback invoked whenever the loading progress updates, with a float parameter indicating progress (0 to 1). |
Action<IContextualizedError> | onError | A callback invoked on the main Unity thread if any error occurs during the download or loading process. |
GameObject | wrapperGameObject | An optional parent UnityEngine.GameObject under which the loaded model's UnityEngine.GameObject
will be placed. If |
AssetLoaderOptions | assetLoaderOptions | The AssetLoaderOptions controlling how the model is processed, including material, animation, and texture loading behaviors. |
object | customContextData | Optional custom data passed to the AssetLoaderContext for use in the loading pipeline. |
string | fileExtension | If known, specify the model file extension (e.g., ".fbx"). If the file is within a .zip, this should be the extension of the internal file. |
bool? | isZipFile | Pass |
bool | haltTask | If |
Type | Description |
Coroutine | A UnityEngine.Coroutine reference that represents the ongoing download and model loading process. You can yield on it in a Unity coroutine or let it run asynchronously. |