Represents an Asset Loader which handles ZIP files (extracting them locally) and has synchronous and asynchronous methods. If you wish to simply load files from ZIP files without extracting them, use AssetLoader or AssetLoaderAsync instead.
static bool | IsExtensionSupported (string extension) |
| Checks whether the given file extension is supported. More...
static string | GetSupportedFileExtensions () |
| Returns a string of supported file extensions. More...
NodeData | RootNodeData |
| Main scene TriLib.NodeData. More...
MaterialData [] | MaterialData |
| Processed TriLib.MaterialData list. More...
MeshData [] | MeshData |
| Processed TriLib.MeshData list. More...
AnimationData [] | AnimationData |
| Processed TriLib.AnimationData list. More...
CameraData [] | CameraData |
| Processed TriLib.CameraData list. More...
AssimpMetadata [] | Metadata |
| Processed TriLib.AssimpMetadata list. More...
Dictionary< string, string > | NodesPath |
| Processed nodes path dictionary. More...
Dictionary< string, Material > | LoadedMaterials |
| Loaded UnityEngine.Material for a given name dictionary. More...
Dictionary< string, Texture2D > | LoadedTextures |
| Loaded UnityEngine.Texture2D for a given name dictionary. More...
Dictionary< SkinnedMeshRenderer, IList< string > > | LoadedBoneNames |
| Loaded bone names for a given UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer dictionary. More...
Dictionary< string, MeshData > | MeshDataConnections |
| UnityEngine.GameObject and MeshData relationship dictionary used to apply blend-shape animations. More...
Dictionary< string, EmbeddedTextureData > | EmbeddedTextures |
| Loaded EmbeddedTextureData for a given name dictionary. More...
uint | NodeId |
| Used to temporarily store nodes id. More...
bool | HasBoneInfo |
| Used to temporarily indicate if there are any bones assigned to loaded meshes. More...
bool | HasBlendShapes |
| Used to temporarily indicate if there are any blend shapes assigned to loaded meshes. More...
static ConcurrentList< FileLoadData > | FilesLoadData = new ConcurrentList<FileLoadData>() |
| Stores a FileLoadData reference list for callbacks. More...
static Material | StandardBaseMaterial |
| Base Diffuse UnityEngine.Material used to load materials. More...
static Material | StandardSpecularMaterial |
| Base Specular UnityEngine.Material used to load materials. More...
static Material | StandardBaseAlphaMaterial |
| Base Diffuse Alpha UnityEngine.Material used to load materials. More...
static Material | StandardSpecularAlphaMaterial |
| Base Specular Alpha UnityEngine.Material used to load materials. More...
static Material | StandardBaseCutoutMaterial |
| Base Diffuse Cutout UnityEngine.Material used to load materials. More...
static Material | StandardBaseFadeMaterial |
| Base Diffuse Fade UnityEngine.Material used to load materials. More...
static Material | StandardSpecularCutoutMaterial |
| Base Specular Cutout UnityEngine.Material used to load materials. More...
static Material | StandardSpecularFadeMaterial |
| Base Specular Fade UnityEngine.Material used to load materials. More...
static Material | StandardRoughnessMaterial |
| Base Roughness UnityEngine.Material used to load materials. More...
static Material | StandardRoughnessCutoutMaterial |
| Base Roughness Cutout UnityEngine.Material used to load materials. More...
static Material | StandardRoughnessFadeMaterial |
| Base Roughness Fade UnityEngine.Material used to load materials. More...
static Material | StandardRoughnessAlphaMaterial |
| Base Roughness Alpha UnityEngine.Material used to load materials. More...
static Texture2D | NotFoundTexture |
| UnityEngine.Texture used to show when no texture is found. More...
void | TriggerOnMeshCreated (uint meshIndex, Mesh mesh) |
| Triggers the on mesh created event. More...
void | TriggerOnMaterialCreated (uint materialIndex, bool isOverriden, Material material) |
| Triggers the on material created event. More...
void | TriggerOnTextureLoaded (string sourcePath, Material material, string propertyName, Texture2D texture) |
| Triggers the on texture loaded event. More...
void | TriggerOnAnimationClipCreated (uint animationClipIndex, AnimationClip animationClip) |
| Triggers the on animation clip created event. More...
void | TriggerOnObjectLoaded (GameObject loadedGameObject) |
| Triggers the on object loaded event. More...
void | TriggerOnMetadataProcessed (AssimpMetadataType metadataType, uint metadataIndex, string metadataKey, object metadataValue) |
| Triggers the on metadata processed event. More...
void | TriggerOnBlendShapeKeyCreated (Mesh mesh, string name, Vector3[] vertices, Vector3[] normals, Vector4[] tangents, Vector4[] biTangents) |
| Triggers the on blend-shape key created event. More...
void | InternalLoadFromMemory (byte[] fileBytes, string filename, string basePath, AssetLoaderOptions options=null, bool usesWrapperGameObject=false, AssimpInterop.DataCallback dataCallback=null, AssimpInterop.ExistsCallback existsCallback=null, LoadTextureDataCallback loadTextureDataCallback=null, AssimpInterop.ProgressCallback progressCallback=null, FileLoadData customFileLoadData=null) |
| Internally loads a file from memory into its data representation. More...
void | InternalLoadFromMemoryAndZip (byte[] data, string assetExtension, string basePath, AssetLoaderOptions options=null, bool usesWrapperGameObject=false, AssimpInterop.DataCallback dataCallback=null, AssimpInterop.ExistsCallback existsCallback=null, LoadTextureDataCallback loadTextureDataCallback=null, AssimpInterop.ProgressCallback progressCallback=null, string filename=null) |
| Internally loads a model from memory with custom embedded texture loading for ZIP files. More...
void | InternalLoadFromFile (string filename, string basePath, AssetLoaderOptions options=null, bool usesWrapperGameObject=false, AssimpInterop.ProgressCallback progressCallback=null) |
| Internally loads a file from file system into it's data representation. More...
GameObject | BuildGameObject (AssetLoaderOptions options, string basePath=null, GameObject wrapperGameObject=null) |
| Builds the UnityEngine.GameObject from pre-loaded data. More...
virtual void | SetupSkinnedMeshRendererTransforms (GameObject gameObject) |
| Setups the UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer bone transforms. More...
virtual void | ProcessMetadata (AssimpMetadata metadata) |
| Processes the given metadata by triggering the OnMetadataProcessed event. More...
virtual void | SetupAnimations (GameObject gameObject, AssetLoaderOptions options) |
| Setups animation components and UnityEngine.AnimationClip clips into the given UnityEngine.GameObject. More...
virtual GameObject | TransformNodeData (NodeData nodeData, AssetLoaderOptions options, GameObject existingGameObject=null) |
| Transforms given TriLib.NodeData into a UnityEngine.GameObject. More...
virtual void | CreateMeshComponents (GameObject gameObject, AssetLoaderOptions options, Mesh mesh, bool hasBoneInfo, Material[] combinedMaterials, IList< string > boneNames=null, Material singleMaterial=null, MeshData meshData=null, string connectionKey=null) |
| Creates mesh rendering components into given UnityEngine.GameObject. More...
virtual void | TransformCameraData (GameObject gameObject, CameraData cameraData, AssetLoaderOptions options) |
| Transforms the given TriLib.CameraData into a UnityEngine.Camera. More...
virtual void | TransformAnimationData (AnimationData animationData, AssetLoaderOptions options, GameObject gameObject, bool useWrapperGameObject=false) |
| Transforms the given TriLib.AnimationData into a UnityEngine.AnimationClip. More...
virtual void | TransformMeshData (MeshData meshData, AssetLoaderOptions options) |
| Transforms the given TriLib.MeshData into a UnityEngine.Mesh. More...
virtual bool | IsUsingHDRP () |
| Checks if project is using HDRP render pipeline. More...
virtual string | RemapMaterialProperty (string property) |
| Override this method to rename Material Property names when using different Rendering Pipelines or working with custom Materials. More...
virtual void | TransformMaterialData (MaterialData materialData, AssetLoaderOptions options, string basePath=null) |
| Transforms the given TriLib.MaterialData into a UnityEngine.Material. More...
virtual Material | LoadMaterial (string name, AssetLoaderOptions options, bool hasAlpha, bool hasSpecular) |
| Creates a new UnityEngine.Material or loads an existing UnityEngine.Material with the given name. More...
virtual Texture2D | LoadTextureFromFile (string path, string name, AssetLoaderOptions options, EmbeddedTextureData embeddedTextureData, TextureWrapMode textureWrapMode, ref bool hasAlphaChannel, bool isNormalMap, bool checkAlphaChannel=false) |
| Creates a new UnityEngine.Texture2D or loads an existing UnityEngine.Texture2D with the given path. More...
virtual void | BuildMaterials (string basePath, AssetLoaderOptions options, LoadTextureDataCallback loadTextureDataCallback=null) |
| Builds the TriLib.MaterialData list for given scene. More...
EmbeddedTextureData | LoadTextureData (string path, string basePath) |
| Tries to load texture data from the given path, searching from basePath. More...
EmbeddedTextureData | LoadEmbeddedTextureData (IntPtr texture, string textureName) |
| Loads an embedded texture data. More...
virtual string | FixNodeName (string name, uint nodeId) |
| Generates a unique node name, if the given name is empty. More...
virtual string | FixName (string name, uint id) |
| Generates a unique name, if the given name is empty. More...
virtual string | FixName (string name) |
| Generates a unique name using GUIDs, if the given name is empty. More...
void | ReleaseImport () |
| Releases allocated resources. More...
const string | AssimpFilenameMagicString = "$$$___magic___$$$" |
| Assimp uses this prefix when loading files from memory. More...
IntPtr | Scene |
| Pointer to Assimp loaded scene. More...
bool | HasOnMeshCreated [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance has on mesh created event. More...
bool | HasOnMaterialCreated [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance has on material created event. More...
bool | HasOnTextureLoaded [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance has on texture loaded event. More...
bool | HasOnAvatarCreated [get] |
bool | HasOnAnimationClipCreated [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance has on animation clip created event. More...
bool | HasOnObjectLoaded [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance has on object loaded event. More...
bool | HasOnMetadataProcessed [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance has on metadata processed event. More...
bool | HasOnBlendShapeKeyCreated [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance has on blend-shape key created event. More...
EmbeddedTextureLoadCallback | EmbeddedTextureLoad |
| Use this field to assign the callback that will be triggered when a texture looks up for embedded data. More...
MeshCreatedHandle | OnMeshCreated |
| Use this field to assign the event that occurs when a mesh is loaded. More...
MaterialCreatedHandle | OnMaterialCreated |
| Use this field to assign the event that occurs when a material is created. More...
TextureLoadHandle | OnTextureLoaded |
| Use this field to assign the event that occurs when a texture is loaded. More...
AvatarCreatedHandle | OnAvatarCreated |
AnimationClipCreatedHandle | OnAnimationClipCreated |
| Use this field to assign the event that occurs when an animation is created. More...
ObjectLoadedHandle | OnObjectLoaded |
| Use this field to assign the event that occurs when the asset is loaded. More...
MetadataProcessedHandle | OnMetadataProcessed |
| Use this field to assign the event that will occurs when each file metadata is processed. More...
BlendShapeKeyCreatedHandle | OnBlendShapeKeyCreated |
| Use this field to assign the event that occurs when a blend-shape key is created. More...