TriLib  1.9.0
TriLib Unity Package
AssetLoaderBase.cs File Reference


class  TriLib.AssetLoaderBase
 Base asset loader. More...


namespace  TriLib


delegate void TriLib.ObjectLoadedHandle (GameObject loadedGameObject)
 Represents an AssetLoader asset loaded event handler. More...
delegate void TriLib.MeshCreatedHandle (uint meshIndex, Mesh mesh)
 Represents an AssetLoader mesh creation event handler. More...
delegate void TriLib.MaterialCreatedHandle (uint materialIndex, bool isOverriden, Material material)
 Represents an AssetLoader material created event handler. More...
delegate void TriLib.AvatarCreatedHandle (Avatar avatar, Animator animator)
 Represents an AssetLoader avatar created event handler. More...
delegate void TriLib.AnimationClipCreatedHandle (uint animationClipIndex, AnimationClip animationClip)
 Represents an AssetLoader animation created event handler. More...
delegate void TriLib.MetadataProcessedHandle (AssimpMetadataType metadataType, uint metadataIndex, string metadataKey, object metadataValue)
 Represents an AssetLoader metadata processed event handler. More...
delegate void TriLib.BlendShapeKeyCreatedHandle (Mesh mesh, string name, Vector3[] vertices, Vector3[] normals, Vector4[] tangents, Vector4[] biTangents)
 Represents a blend-shape key created event handler. More...
delegate EmbeddedTextureData TriLib.LoadTextureDataCallback (string path, string basePath)
 Callback used to retrieve custom embedded texture data. More...
delegate EmbeddedTextureData TriLib.EmbeddedTextureLoadCallback (string path)
 Event used to pass a custom texture data when processing a texture entry. More...