Avatar Importing
TriLib allows importing characters to use as Unity Avatars. To achieve this, TriLib uses classes that inherit the HumanoidAvatarMapper class, which are responsible for mapping the character bones with Unity Avatar Humanoid Muscles.
TriLib comes with the Mixamo and Biped Humanoid Avatar Mapper, which contains the settings to load characters rigged in Mixamo or created using 3Ds Max Biped, among other common bone hierarchies.
It is important that your model is in T-Pose or Star-Pose.
Only FBX and GLTF file formats work as Avatars.
You can easily include your own bone-mapping schemes by inheriting the ByNameHumanoidAvatarMapper class or simply creating an instance from the class on your Assets and adding the name-mapping manually.
Here is a sample with all bone names accepted by the Mixamo and Biped Humanoid Avatar Mapper:
You can test your characters at: