TriLib – Post Processor Options

Description of the Asset Loader post processor options:

  • Nothing: No post-processor steps will be applied, we don´t recommend enabling this item as it can decrease performance and leave model issues unfixed.
  • Everything: All post-processor steps will be applied, we don´t recommend enabling this item as it´s almost always unecessary to enable all post processor steps.
  • Calc Tangent Space: Calculates the tangents and bitangents for the imported meshes.
  • Join Identical Vertices: Identifies and joins identical vertex data sets within all imported meshes.
  • Make Left Handed: Converts all the imported data to a left-handed coordinate space (Enabled by default).
  • Remove Component: Removes some parts of the data structure (animations, materials, light sources, cameras, textures, vertex components).
  • Gen Normals: Generates normals for all faces of all meshes.
  • Gen Smooth Normals: Generates smooth normals for all vertices in the mesh.
  • Split Large Meshes: Splits large meshes into smaller sub-meshes.
  • Pre Transform Vertices: Removes the node graph and pre-transforms all vertices with the local transformation matrices of their node.
  • Limit Bone Weights: Limits the number of bones simultaneously affecting a single vertex to a maximum value.
  • Validate Data Structure: Validates the imported scene data structure. This makes sure that all indices are valid, all animations and bones are linked correctly, all material references are correct…etc (Enabled by default).
  • Improve Cache Locability: Reorders triangles for better vertex cache locality.
  • Remove Redundant Materials: Searches for redundant/unreferenced materials and removes them
  • Fix Infancing Normals: This step tries to determine which meshes have normal vectors that are facing inwards and inverts them.
  • Sort By P Type: This step splits meshes with more than one primitive type in homogeneous sub-meshes.
  • Find Degenerates: This step searches all meshes for degenerate primitives and converts them to proper lines or points.
  • Find Invalid Data: This step searches all meshes for invalid data, such as zeroed normal vectors or invalid UV coords and removes/fixes them. This is intended to get rid of some common exporter errors.
  • Gen Uv Coords: This step converts non-UV mappings (such as spherical or cylindrical mapping) to proper texture coordinate channels.
  • Transform Uv Coords: This step applies per-texture UV transformations and bakes them into stand-alone vtexture coordinate channels.
  • Find Instances: This step searches for duplicate meshes and replaces them with references to the first mesh (Enabled by default).
  • Optmize Mesh: A postprocessing step to reduce the number of meshes (Enabled by default).
  • Optimize Graph: A postprocessing step to optimize the scene hierarchy.
  • Flip UVs: This step flips all UV coordinates along the y-axis and adjusts material settings and bitangents accordingly.
  • Flip Winding Order: This step adjusts the output face winding order to be CW (Enabled by default).
  • Split By Bone Count: This step splits meshes with many bones into sub-meshes so that each sub-mesh has fewer or as many bones as a given limit.
  • Debone: This step removes bones losslessly or according to some threshold.